Full Stack Project

Custom Built CMS + E-Commerce Storefront

After spending a while focusing on Front End Projects using Content Management Systems like Sanity, WordPress, and Wix, I decided to try building one instead.

“This project helped me gain a deeper understanding and appreciation for relational databases while learning new and exciting tools like Prisma ORM.”

Dylan Rotich headshot
Dylan Rotich


  • Create CMS. Learn how to use Prisma ORM w/ PlanetScale MySql managed db. Practice table relationships and schema building.
  • E-Commerce Store. Fully responsive shop powered by TailwindCSS and HeadlessUI.
  • Implement New Tech.
    1. Prisma ORM
    2. Clerk Authentication
    3. Cloudinary

Future Plans?

I'd like to enhance the database models to handle more than one size and color per product. On the Front End of the store it would be nice to have the ability to choose between sizes and colors. I'd also like to implement a functioning rating system that users contribute to. Manage state with Redux or Recoil. Add loading skeletons.